Introduction :

I try to find a sentence that start with the idea of following my heart so :

" Follow your heart and you will accomplish your destiny."

"Follow your heart, do not be scare of being naked, do not be scare of being poor, do not be scare of being hated. "All is mind, the Universe is mental" - The Kybalion. This place is just a consciousness Test for our soul, and this is my duty to follow my heart to create a better world for humanity and his surroundings."

My Heart is telling me that this system is broken and doesn't take care of those that deserve and need the most.

My Heart is telling me that I should use everything in my power to create goodness in this World and no matter what will be the consequences.

But since I do not want to waste my life for nothing, I will try my best to do it accurately, accordingly, efficiently.

My intention with those writings will be based on the will of establishing Balance upon Earth, my deepest desire is to stop seeing the suffering among our species, because I STRONGLY believe that we can change the World in a better way, a world beautiful filled with Love and Compassion. I also STRONGLY believe that we have the physical ability to do so, with all our technology and ressources we can reach the stars and develop ourselves toward a greater and more evolved humanity but also in a manner where no one is found behind and where no one is suffering.

My dream is to see ONE FAMILY HUMANITY with one same goal : Exploring the world and become greater intellect.

With the help of those 4 words which are : Compassion and Evidence / Virtue and Reason. I believe we can reach this goal. In other words by feeling Love for every living things and always working with Science.

I'm a not a machine and you are probably not one too yet I hope, so I will ask you to be indulgent toward this writing since I never wrote anything before the public.

Also you should not judge my person and my work at the same time, even if I want to teach or try to show that another way is possible, I'm myself far away from being a perfect human being, I still have many flaws yet too and still have a lot to learn.

If you can acknowledge this, I believe you will find those writings sincere and maybe interesting and inspiring.


"If there were a button that would allow to take my life and give in exchange a life of abundance and Love to all my brothers and sisters, I wouldn't hesitate to press it."

Chapter 1 : Fix the fear of Death.

Is this important to explain my life ? Is this relevant to bring how I saw the world for the beginning ?

And how I end up trying to do something that would appease my heart ?

I think I should reserve my life story, for another project, even if that can be interesting to see the relationship between events and how I went to forge myself to become who I am, because in this book I really want to spend my time trying to explain how and why I believe we are in the wrong path and that we still can do something about it.

I do not know how I should structure all of this, it might be interesting that I do but to be honest I admit to be man of Chaos, I love let my intuition take the lead and I don't hesitate to go wherever this led me.

Also Chaos is order in physic so I have my point.

I want to let every emotions get in my body to allow me to inspire each next words, whether those would assembly perfectly or not( ²which mean logic to you or not

What matter is that I'm reaching my goal of explaining Why and How ? About "How we shall all Live ?

I'm not Jesus, I'm no one and sincerely I don't want to be anyone, but as I see the world evolving and changing mostly in bad, I can't stop thinking, I don't see anyone trying to do anything.

Something real, big and serious.

Sincerely I wish to no one to have your mental working you every god damn day toward things you can't handle, but I can't help, I just have it, I always think about : "How will I pay my bills ?" "Why everyone should suffer like this ?" "Why are we so ugly to each other ? "

Answer is "Selfishness and Greed" with the tool of money.

Some might think that there is a Logic "Natural Order", and that from this logic it's authorized to do not act accordingly to the laws of the Universe.

Because the deep laws of Universe are higher than the simple idea of accumulate Capital or to act in a pyramidal system. We are humans we are more evolve than simple animals, we are conscious of the well being of others before anything else, which is an evolutionary traits that most animals do not possess.

So to come to the point : Capital can't rule our world.

It has to be a common Idea that reign in our world.

Instead we should have leaders (if it's needed) that give example and are ready to sacrifice themselves and follow a common idea based on Compassion and Evidence.

Their ways are defined by "Selfishness" pyramidal system (capitalist system and society rules) where thestrongestof the system is king of the world. ("Strongest" will be able to outsmart in anyway his pairs to reach his goals, so it allows evil, but it's a biased definition of stronger, in reality stronger is the one that care more about others than himself)

The system force you to follow the mathematical logic and so force you to use vice, it force you to act in a selfish way and into an untruthful way, it's mathematic if you want to have a better place in the pyramid.

A system that force you to use Lies and Vice to climb steps. Or do bad things to survive (like sells drugs or body)

Some guys create an OS system and take over the whole market and now this guy can make decision on every aspect of our lives?

I quote here Bill Gates. But many others are responsible. Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg etc.

I've got a question that is wondering in my mind since a while. Does Jesus would be like the Jesus we have been told in history if he would be alive nowadays?

What if Jesus change is personality according to the social laws of society, the real ones like the common talking language

How would be really Jesus if he would reborn on those Times ?

We didn't know his personality from 18 from 30 told me someone very recently. So what if we would have record it ? Or if it would have been witness and explain.

I mean it was so long time ago.

What if Jesus is in fact in all of us too ? Like a frequency, an idea?

I received the idea recently "That we can All Be Jesus" somehow, I mean by this that we can for a while receive his frequency. Because it's just in fact a simple Idea of acting in the logic laws of the Universe, which mean to act better for others than we do for ourselves.

To come back on the subject : "To Let them to act always in a selfish way, like the idea that natural order exist and that in essence it allows them to do anything but for themselves."

I will come back to the root of my way of thinking.

So maybe I will have to explain a bit about my childhood but not much.

It was like I was 10 years old or something, I remember my mom or someone very close explaining to me that Life, my Life even have an ending.

From this day, this idea never left me.

You see, as much as I believe science would help us to thrive as society, I'm someone very spiritual, that's how they call it, I'm just looking to explain the meaning and nature of Life inside my head ever since I knew I would die, because as a child I sincerely thought that I would have those moments for eternity.

So to come back to the natural order stuff and such and such. I want to explain my vision.

My vision is that everything works in duality.

You can see right and left, up and down, south and north, minus and plus, bad and good.

It's all about a duality that gravitate toward a center point I suppose which would establish balance.

From this I need you to also acknowledge that 0°=1, it's a mathematical fact, and it went to me on my first trip LSD in 2020.

I couldn't explain it, but It was an epiphany, a big Eureka while I wasn't even able to explain it. I was looking for THE ANSWER, the reason of everything and I remember this moment like It was yesterday.

0=1 came to my mind, then 2 weeks later because I typed it on google the same night, youtube provided to me video suggestion about a math teacher that explain that indeed from 0 we can go mathematically to 1. (You can find in my archives)

I will get there later I suppose, because don't expect from me to give you the answer of it all, those are just beliefs supported by long years of research, experiences, and synchronicity anyway but I'm pretty sure I'm getting close to what is the meaning and nature of our existence.

My point is : Selfishness and Altruism are 2 metrics important in our story.

Why ? Because we live in an interconnected world where we share the same place.

Why Do I Believe that the RIGHT and ONLY choice is to work toward altruism and not selfishness ?

Because selfishness is represented as the easy way and altruism is represented as the hard way.

It's way more easy to think only about yourself that the rest of the world right?

So to me it's just simple logic that the purpose of this Life is to work toward Love and Compassion, because Life is fighting against nothingness and that we aren't meant to fight this alone.

I digress, I do not want to speak right now about things too deep.

It's just that I want to point out that we could all live a better life if we could just understand that our choice have impact in the life of everyone.

The Butterfly effect.

Doesn't it seems logic to you that if you act selfish and evil your whole life you might end up too in pain from others?

Doesn't it seems logic that we are all the same (more or less) in essence and spiritually speaking and that everything that we do affect each other ?

It's important to understand that yes I want to create a society where Compassion and Evidencewould be our lead but It's very important to fix this issue with death if we can to continue for a greater good, so to me, the most valuable research would be about finding out what is Death and Life.

Maybe being immortal isn't even a solution, what are 10 000 years in a life against billions of years in the universe?

So many possibilities. We might even live in a simulation and some people think that the only way to get out would be to outsmart this simulation and get away from it.

But why ? Why such rebellion toward the rules of Life ? I am myself like this too somehow, I can understand the people that seek immortality or to glitch Life, I wish to take shortcut too, it seems interesting, but in the end and if I think really deep it doesn't seems logic.

We don't know what's going on and we are probably never going to know for certainty what's going on and what will be going on.

We can't possibly imagine how Big is this Life system, so I come back to the source and ask myself, are we that arrogant to defy natural laws ?

Maybe we are meant to be but also maybe, it's also a trick, a test once again like it shows in Star Wars where the Sith want to reach immortality by all ways, even evil ones and the jedi reach it by natural way.

Thanks George Lucas for inspiring the true laws of the Universe to me.

(Also I believe computers are 0 and we are 1.) (Discovered this under lsd the 8/8/2023, I really thought machine are the archaic system and then Life became because some settings were missing "Emotions") So Machine that we can create too, created us that's what I think, but this machine was just the beginning and evolved.) 0=1, Love is 1. It's just some guesses, I might be wrong and I do not intend to verify if someone else in this planet found out about it, I just feel it.

Also maybe we evolve toward 2 which is another form of dimension, more evolved and complex and goes with the next 8 other numbers until 9 , that looks like "Heaven". But once again, just logic use, I know only what I feel."

Come back on subject :

How can you defy something that made you ? In the end it looks foolish, I wouldn't dare to create a new universe, I'm not smart enough and even with technology, if I reach immortality and have got brain capacity of something unimaginable, I would always wonder "What's death ? "

I'm saying all of this because, I know it's easy to lose yourself because of the fear of Death.

This bring the worst from each other and killing anyone or harming anyone or anything in the act of pushing yourself higher doesn't seems right and logic at all.

For me, and this is only a logic intuition.

Death or the illusion of "Death" because what is death ?

To me

Death Is greater than Life, to me when we die we have access to the source of all knowledge.

What if life and death are interconnected and that death is just about losing our body?

There is many different source books, videos etc about it, that our consciousness isn't only in our brain. I don't have the source right now since it's a draft that I'm writing probably but …look for yourself I'm sure you will find interesting things about the subject.

This Life is only a step among many to become ourselves maybe real Gods.

So do not fear Death, embrace it instead but do not provoke it too, just act in virtue and reason your whole life and let Death happen randomly.

Don't overthink it 😊

Chapter 2 : I'm not meant to save the world but I will try to.

That's it, I just killed some spiders in front of my porch, I was looking for some good vibes and ruined it all. (End of the writing this night 7/29/2023

(back the next day) 7/30/2023
I'm not Jesus, but I admire people like him, Bob Marley, Charlie Chaplin, Mandela, Gandhi all of those that works for the wellbeing of everyone and that try to create a better world a better world that is designed to help other more than ourselves.

So yes I want to be a good and better person and I am still not one, I still have many flaws and it start with my thought, often when I struggle in a situation or that I'm betrayed by someone my thought are leading me to think how I will teach this person a lesson and often it end up by imagine what bad things I could do to this person to show that I'm not weak, after a while I realized that those thought aren't mine and aren't supposed to be in my life because I clearly know what and who I want to be . (Post edit 8/9/23) Also it's about killing my own Ego. I want to be no one, no proud, nothing can hurt me since I want to be above that.

So I tell myself, forgiveness. Yes Forgiveness is important, someone that hurt you did it because he is still an inferior mind, that he/she is learning, because this person isn't evolved yet and this is why you should forgive him or her.

My best desire is to be like Jesus and spread Love everywhere, but it's not easy all those negative thought are surrounding me sometimes and I swear as much as my will is to become like Jesus, I can sometimes feel the anger of Hitler.

Of course I'm not unique and believe you have those exact same feelings too, which bring us to the previous chapter where I point out about death and the path we are choosing : The right path and the easy path.

The Good path or the Bad path.

Will we become a Sith ? Or a Jedi?

This is all a consciousness test. Trust me.

Chapter 3 : Technology and capitalism

Often I speak with my best friend about the actuality of this world, often I tell him we should do a podcast, even if maybe it would look a bit messy at first because we never did that before, I wonder if that it would be interesting to bring some good thought on this world.

For example we speak often of technology, and how the world is rapidly evolving with it, but I often bring the idea of morality with it.

To me it looks like technology will bring us further in evolution but also maybe in the wrong way or wrong direction.

Nature is so beautiful and complex by itself.

Many human nowadays would love to become a cyborg with more power but to me it sounds also a bit ugly.

I love technology but If I have to choose between a day in front of my computer and a day outside I would prefer to be in the wild, and even better if I have LSD or mushroom to feel connectedness and Love, and understand the meaning of Life.

Often technology is considered like a tool of Evil and it's not for nothing. We should be careful about how we use it, I don't mean that it's not beautiful and that it will not allow us to be a better civilization but it should always be in a way that doesn't consume our humanity.

Elon musk is willing to create chip that you put in your brain that will allow you to have unlimited memory, speak instantly to another person without speaking etc. A human with a chip will be like a human against a monkey nowadays, the difference will be so wide that in this capitalist system it will be almost impossible to avoid to have one if you want to be competitive in the work market.

Imagine to be able to literally learn a language in a matter of hours?

All of this seems really interesting but it should not be mandatory because the competition ask for it.

A world lead by capitalist/pyramidal rules coupled with technology like this will be dystopian.

If I would create a society it would be toward exploration, but still I would try to establish something that match our nature and the environment.

If someone want to be a cyborg, ok, but it shouldn't be mandatory way.

With technology we could do so many beautiful things but the issue is that we are living a pyramidal system and it WILL turn into a nightmare for most of us.

In a perfect beautiful equal system where we take care of each person on this planet why not, we could even use the powerful computers to calculate all ressources and divide them for every human being.

I personally cry inside when I see someone living in the street or when I see a doc about the cruelty of cocaine market or cobalt mine etc.

How can we live like this ? Being happy while knowing that other are suffering and are suffering without necessity.

Because it's a lie that we don't have the ressources to provide to everyone, greed has just poison our soul and no one is seeing it.

It's ok to want more because we have dreams but it shouldn't be while sacrificing life of others…

I understand that it is hard to accept death and that we have one life and so that we need to evolve quicker but like I said previously doesn't seems also a trick? A test once again ?

Don't you feel your heart broken when you know that the phone in your hands is the result and consequence of many desperate souls ?

Is this ok to go forward in time while sacrificing life of others ? In the name of evolution?

One human life worth another human Life and it should always be like this.

The capital of someone is nothing compare to the wide and yet unknowledgeable laws of the universe.

What is all our stuff compare to this beautiful unknown ?

We are dust and will return to dust no matter what even if you succeed to live 1000 years, or 10000 years.

So if you intend to choose the Sith path, know that you might be your whole life off the mark.

The Jedi find immortality in the natural way while the Sith is trying to reach it by any way in the glitch way.

Yes it's a fiction, but it sounds to me like a pure logic and this is what is exactly going on nowadays and will going on in the future.

People looking for immortality because they can't comprehend or feel by heart the world we are living in.

I trust the Universe, it's a huge feeling and a lot of internal research.

I'm convinced today that I would rather stay mortal than to have to live immortal in such ugly world.

A world where the capitalism is bringing the worst of us, always the selfish path.

In a world filled with Love and Light, I would gladly accept immortality, but not here.

I'm feeling a urge sometimes to die because of the suffering I can feel in my own life or the life of others overall.

Chapter 4 : The necessity of allowing LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA, Ayahuasca (DMT), in our society in a controlled environment.

Have you see this documentary on Netflix about it ? Have you ever look deeper than what the governement is telling you ? That the media are telling you ? Have you ever tried yourself to see how you feel ? Did you know that you can't overdose from LSD or psilocybin (magic mushroom) ? Did you know that it can help a lot of people to heal PTSD, trauma, depression, anxiety ?

I experiment this drug since 2019 now and I'm sincerely happy that I tried. It is true that some drugs are bad for us, from those I would classify : opium and even cocaine in the big traits, I don't know much about other but, opium can even be legal and they kill many American every day. The big issue in USA is because oxycontin and it's a legal drug, after that many American fall into the darkness of heroine because it's cheaper and later on, it' fentanyl, the high road to a certain painful death.

When you try LSD and magic mushroom the first time of your life depending of the dose you got, you will have different experience but a proper dose will make you feel interconnected with your surroundings, you will feel the love of life and much more, you will start to see maybe the geometry of the universe and understand things you would never have without it. I never had a bad trip with LSD, I don't take this substance very often but when I take it, I think about the world, and how we could be so happy if we all would want it.

MDMA isn't the same but I consider it as one of the few drugs that might help humanity to thrive forward too, and there is also some interesting research about it.

Though it might be beneficial, it has to be taken with precaution because it belong to the family of amphetamine and can lead to physical addiction.

Nowadays we see our pairs getting addicted with alcohol, from my own personal view, alcohol is a really bad component to create a good society, it shouldn't be the only drug available in the market, I really feel that alcohol is something bad, and I don't drink anymore, I'm seriously drinking since I'm 17 because of social "culture" or because of social pressure and the fact that we have nothing else to use that is legal and to allow us to escape or explore, it's like a ritual in modern society, you don't drink you will not get along with others or you will not be "connected". Such connection should be reconsidered when you see the violence it triggers and the pain and diseases that can be involve within in.

I mean, I've seen in my life people becoming zombies with alcohol, my grandfather were beating everyday his wife and his children in awful way for years because of it. (Maybe he was also a bit Evil, because for me I'm always happy drinking)

Alcohol doesn't seems to bring the best of our character, this is my personal view.

That's why I do not understand why such drugs as psylocibin and LSD aren't allow in the market with a good control on them.

To Continue.

Post notes : (wrote when first high from weed since long time the 8/8/2023) Notes :

What if I somehow setup myself in his frequency but also that sometimes I lose control too but that I also try to keep it at the same as Jesus the "most possible".

What mean most possible ?

Because I'm myself have a Life unperfect but maybe Jesus did too in his 18 to 30 as I received the Information very recently, that we have no information about it. No Record of his actions.

Who and How would be Jesus in modern time if everything would have been recorded in Computers ?

Also an higher idea that came in my mind what if :

Jesus can be a frequency, an Idea that everyone can follow. An example to follow.

A vibration of Love.

What if that's someone and something that We Can All Be.

Imagine one second the World We Would Live On if we would all try to be like Jesus ?

A world without ugliness where there would be no need to subordinate one to another.

A world where everyone teach the other to be more compassionate and to act accordingly to the laws of the Universe.

A world filled with sisters and brothers.

With mutual respect.

No hard feeling toward anything.

Nothing that would hurt the other.

Act by Virtu and Reason and by Compassion and Evidence, like it should be.

The Right Path VS the Easy Path.

Selfishness VS Altruism.

Love VS Hate